What is the best time to request an invoice?
Indicate at the outset of your interaction with store staff that you wish to get an invoice with VAT at the name of a company (not “during” or “after” payment).
It is best to speak to the merchant at a time that precedes the purchase when it is he who, in principle, wants to please you (example: "You are able to edit me an invoice with VAT in the name of a company, right").
The merchant cannot issue a standard invoice but a simple ticket or till receipt with a printed mention. What should I do?
If the merchant tells you that he cannot issue a standard invoice but can edit a simple ticket or till receipt with a printed mention, ask him to print the name and address of ZappTax on that ticket or receipt.
What if the merchant tells you that a simple ticket or till receipt is the equivalent of an invoice?
Some merchants will tell you that « the ticket is enough as an invoice and bears all the required mentions ».
This statement is almost accurate! On most tickets, all the mentions that an invoice must bear according to the provisions of European law (VAT Directive) and national legislation (general tax code -CGI-, etc.) are present ... except one: the name and address of the buyer (here ZappTax).
In that case, ask the merchant if he can add ZappTax (name + address) to the ticket before printing it.